Realmz™ Character Editor 5.0 Welcome to Realmz™ Character Editor. This application will allow you to create or edit characters for use with the Realmz or the Divine Right™ gaming environment. Realmz Character Editor must reside in the same folder as Realmz for it to run. ____________________________________________________ Cover art by Nohl Lyons 1503 E. Ft. Lowell. Apt. F. Tucson, AZ 85719 ____________________________________________________ Why use Realmz Character Editor Many devoted gamers have grown quite attached to characters they have in other gaming systems. They would like to be able to enter these characters in the world of Realmz. Realmz Character Editor will allow you to create or edit existing characters to reflect characters that you have in other gaming systems. ____________________________________________________ Legal stuff Realmz Character Editor is NOT a shareware product. You may not distribute the full version of this application for any reason. Please read the software license included with this package. ____________________________________________________ Requirements Realmz Character Editor must reside in the same folder as Realmz for it to operate. It will not run without the Realmz application present. If your system is capable of running Realmz, you should have no problem running Realmz Character Editor. ____________________________________________________ Nuts N Bolts It is assumed that you have at least a general idea of how to play Realmz, and that you have taken the time to breeze over the Realmz manual. If not, you may want to do so now. On startup, you will see one menu choice in the menu bar. "FILE"   Menu Option 1) Edits an individual character file. Menu Option 2) Edits an entire party from a saved game. Menu Option 3) Creates a new character. Menu Option 4) Saves the current character or party. Menu Option 5) Quits Realmz Character Editor. ____________________________________________________ What file do I edit? Why edit a saved game file? If you would like to change the attributes of characters you have in a saved game you MUST edit the saved game file. Every time you end a game in progress either by quitting or by ending the adventure, the individual characters in the party have their permanent file updated. However the reverse is not true. By editing the individual character files you will not see the corresponding changes to the characters when you resume a saved game. Why edit an individual character file? Editing individual character files can be useful if you plan on starting a new adventure immediately after editing the files or if you want to create a new character altogether. ____________________________________________________ What you can and can't edit. You cannot alter every aspect of a character. Attributes that you can edit safely have a yellow edit box around the current value on the main editing screen. Each value has a minimum and a maximum value associated with it. For Example: Brawn, Knowledge, Judgment, Agility, Vitality and Luck have a valid range between 3 and 25. If you try to edit your characters so they would have a value outside this range, it will default to the closest value. ____________________________________________________ Loading a saved game file for editing   <== When you load a saved game, you can pick between a saved game in Realmz or a saved game in Divine Right by clicking this button. It will toggle between the two saved game folders. In this example, it will load the characters from Game A from Destroy the Necronomicon in Divine Right ____________________________________________________ Editing characters Once you have decided to create/edit a character, the fact sheet for that character will be displayed. It will be very similar to the fact sheet contained in the Realmz game. An edit bar at the top of the screen will allow you to edit a character's spells, conditions, and abilities.   ____________________________________________________ Editing spells If the current character is capable of casting spells, you may edit the spells known by the character by clicking on the "Spells" button.   A red "X" over the "Spells" button signifies the character is not capable of casting spells. ____________________________________________________ Editing conditions Your character can be under the effect of many conditions. To edit your characters conditions, click the "Conditions" button on the edit bar. Conditions with a negative value will be permanent. Conditions with a positive value will wear off over time. The following is a complete list of conditions and how different values will affect your character: Magic Aura: Gives character an additional 5% chance to hit an enemy. Gives enemies -5% chance to hit your character. Set to -1 to Bless your character permanently. Shielded From Normal Attacks: Makes character resistant to hits from normal weapons and physical attacks. Each value is worth 2% change adjustment. Example: Character with a -5 value will be 10% harder to hit with normal attacks. Shielded From Projectiles: Makes character immune to all attacks from missile weapons. Regenerate: Character will regenerate stamina. Example: A value of -3 will cause your character to regenerate 3 points of stamina per combat round. Protection From Heat Attacks: Reduces damage taken from fire-based spells by 1/2. Protection From Cold Attacks: Reduces damage taken from cold-based spells by 1/2. Protection From Electrical Attacks: Reduces damage taken from electrical-based spells by 1/2. Protection From Chemical Attacks: Reduces damage taken from chemical-based spells by 1/2. Protection From Mental Attacks: Reduces damage taken from mental-based spells by 1/2. Protection From 1st Level Spells: Makes character immune to all 1st Level spells. Protection From 2nd Level Spells: Makes character immune to all 1st and 2nd Level spells. Protection From 3rd Level Spells: Makes character immune to all 1st, 2nd and 3rd Level spells. Protection From 4th Level Spells: Makes character immune to all 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Level spells. Protection From 5th Level Spells: Makes character immune to all 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Level spells. Strong: Makes character strong during combat. Gives character +15% chance to hit and will do 3 extra points of damage. Protection From Foe: Gives character an additional 10% chance to hit an enemy. Reduces an enemy's chance of hitting by 10%. Speed: Doubles the normal movement points your character has for each combat round. Increases the number of attacks. Invisible: Allows character to move away from an adjacent enemy without being attacked from behind. Enemies will also have a -10% chance of hitting you since you are invisible. Reflect Spells: Allows character to reflect 1/3 of all spell attacks. Reflected attacks will affect the caster of the spell. Reflect Attacks: Allows character to reflect 1/3 of all normal attacks. Reflected attacks will affect the attacker. *** Attack Bonus *********************************************************** Leave this value blank. It sounds like you might want to change this, but don't. If you do, it may end up giving your enemy extra stamina. YUCK! ***************************************************************************** Absorb Energy: Character will gain spell points after each round of combat. Example: A value of -5 will cause character to gain 5 spell points at the end of each combat round. Character will also gain spell points at an increased rate when moving about the main game screen. Absorb Spell Energy From Attacks: Character will absorb spell points from magical attacks. However, character will still be subjected to a spell's affects. Defensive Bonus: Enemies will have a more difficult time hitting character during physical attacks. Example: A value of -15 will reduce an attacker's chance of hitting character by 15%. ____________________________________________________ Editing Items You can give your character any item you want with a few limitations. Even though you can give then most items, they will still be subject to the restrictions of that item. i.e. A Priest will still only be able to use blunt weapons. As you view items in the Items screen, you will notice that sometimes the cursor turns into either   This shows that the current items is not usable to the current character.   This shows that the item is considered a unique item.   This shows that the items is both unique and not usable to the character. To view more info about an item, just click on its icon. To take/drop an item, simple hold the command key while clicking on the item. To move the list of items to get to that of an item the character already has, just click on the items icon while holding the option key. ____________________________________________________ Editing Cast, Race, Gender and Hand to Hand The character's caste, race, gender can be changed using popup menus. (See Picture Below) You can change all of these attributes by clicking on the button. This will bring up a popup menu that will let you select a new attribute for your character.   <== To give the character extra movement in battle, put the amount of extra movement points here. <== To give the character extra damage when attacking with bare hands put the maximum bare hand damage here. ____________________________________________________ When you change a characters race or caste most of the characters stats that are affected by either change will be updated to take the new race or caste into account. You may still want to tweek some values here and there afterwards. Editing Abilities By clicking on the "Abilities" button on the edit bar, you can alter the special abilities your character has. Possible Options: +/- to Hit Magic Using +/- to Hit Undead +/- to Hit Demonic/Devil +/- to Hit Reptilian +/- to Hit Evil Creatures +/- to Hit Intelligent +/- to Hit Large Creatures +/- to Hit Non-Humanoid Setting Values: +1 is equivalent to +5% to hit and +1 to damage. +2 is equivalent to +10% to hit and +2 to damage, etc. The same holds true for negative values only in reverse: -1 is equivalent to -5% to hit and -1 to damage. -2 is equivalent to -10% to hit and -2 to damage, etc. ____________________________________________________ Editing Attributes   <=== Click the button "Click for Special Info" to edit special attributes. Possible Attributes: Sneak Attack: The percent chance on any successful hit that a Rouge will SNEAK ATTACK. Sneak Attacks cause triple normal damage. (Rouges only) Cause Major Wound: This is the chance that any successful attack will cause a Major Wound to your enemy. Major Wounds cause double normal damage. Detect Secret Area: As you adventure around the world of Realmz, you may find secret areas. The character with the highest chance of finding secret areas controls the percent chance your party has of finding a secret area. Example: If one of your characters has a 30% chance and all other characters have lower values, your party has a 30% chance of finding a secret area. Acrobatic Act: Allows a character to successfully complete an acrobatic act such as climb a wall, jump a fissure, etc. This option is used sometimes during special encounters. Detect Trap: Allows a character to successfully detect a trap. This option is used sometimes during special encounters. Disarm Trap: Allows a character to successfully disarm a trap. This option is used sometimes during special encounters. (Rouges and Monks only) Force Lock: Allows a character to successfully force open a locked door or some other locked item. This option is used sometimes during special encounters. Pick Lock: Allows a character to successfully pick a lock on a door, chest, or whatever. This option is used sometimes during special encounters. Turn Undead: Allows a character to try to turn undead once per battle provided the battle has any undead enemies. This value is the charactes Turn Undead Base. The formula for chance to turn unded is: Turn Undead Base - 5 * Level Of Monster. This chance can never go above a 75% chance. Some castes have this value increased as they go up in levels. Some races start with a bonus to Turn Undead Base.